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WSA mästerskap Haidmule
21 februari, 2019 - 24 februari, 2019

We’d like to wish you all a very happy, healthy and successful New Year!
Please find below the details for the 2019 WSA World Championship Sprint & Mid-Distance in Haidmühle/ Germany. The Championship will take place from 21 – 24 February 2019.
PROGRAM (provisional):
• Stake out opens: 20 February
• Vet check: 20 & 21 February
• First team leader meeting: 21 Feb @ 14:00 hrs
• Opening ceremony: 21 Feb @ 19:00 hrs
• Further team leader meetings: 22, 23 and 24 Feb @ 8:00 hrs
• Start prologue Mid-Distance: 21 Feb @ 16:00 hrs
• First start first heat Sprint: 22 Feb @ 9:00 hrs
• Mushers’ dinner: 23 February @ 19:00 hrs
• Price giving ceremony: 24 February @ 16:30 hrs
RACE MARSHALL: Arno Steichler
• Fee to secure starting places: €15 per place. This is a non-refundable fee that will be deducted from the starting fee. Should the championship need to be cancelled, this fee will remain with the organizers to cover the costs they incurred.
• First start: €120 (this includes 1 voucher for the mushers’ dinner; additional vouchers for the mushers’ dinner can be bought)
• Second start: €50
• Juniors: Free
• Late payment fees for entries/payments received after the first payment deadline: €20 (applies also to Juniors)
Please note: All payments have to be made by our national Members. Payments by individual mushers will be returned.
Den 4 februaru• 11 February: Second (final) payment deadline
• Changes to classes entered can be made by the team leader up until 6pm on the day before the first start.
• National WSA Members have to request the number of starting places they require no later than 13 January by email to registrations-haidmuehle@wsa-sleddog.com
• From 11 January, mushers will be able to register by going to https://racedata.wsa-sleddog.com
• All competitors have to be confirmed by our national Members. Members will receive a list of their competitors for approval no later than 11 February.
Preparations for the Championship are well underway and we are looking forward to seeing many of you in Haidmühle.
The WSA Board
Varje medlem som vill delta på WSAs världsmästerskap får själva söka information på WSAs facebook och hemsida.
- Anmälan görs på Race Data.
- Betalning – BG: 5574-8404 eller Swish: 123 148 45 42. Tänk på att det tar några dagar att föra över pengar till ett annat land.
- Uppge namn och WSA mästerskap Haidmüle.
- Meddela SDSF att ni reser utomlands och tävlar.