SPHK’s board has decided to pause Polardistans and then primarily Polardistans 2025. The reasons for this decision are, among other things, that the number of members of SPHK who participate has in recent years been very low, which means that the board finds it difficult to justify the financial risk-taking that organizing the competition entails.
Many who have previously worked within Polardistans’ organization have chosen to end their involvement and it has been very difficult to engage new functionaries.
The cost development for organizing Polardistans has been significant in recent years and has not been able to be compensated by increased entry fees, which makes it difficult to get the competition to “go around”. The participants have also been affected by cost increases for travel, accommodation and others costs. To this must be added the challenge of getting sponsors for the competition.
In conclusion, we on the board would like to say that we have chosen to pause and not to put down Polardistans. Our ambition is to be able to arrange Polardistans in the future, perhaps as early as 2026.